Sales Management Excellence
So, you're ready to invest in your sales leadership...good for you. Smart! (Or perhaps you can't wait any longer...still smart...and common!) After all, your sales managers (SMs) are the key levers that provide the biggest punch to your top and bottom lines. Without capable, savvy, and strategic SMs, your growth opportunities most certainly will be stunted.
This stat from The Center for Sales Strategy may confirm what you already know: companies with a formal coaching/managing process see 91% of overall quota attainment versus 84% who don't. That is easy to believe given the difficulty of the sales management function in this complex, competitive, and lightening-fast B2B arena. After all, formal training always yields positive outcomes.
Sales Management Excellence is the flagship training program from Core 6 that gets results immediately and creates a higher skillset and sense of urgency across all on your sales management team. Other programs on the market will try to impress you by listing "43 things" your SMs will learn, but that's not how individuals best acquire and apply knowledge. Certainly not sales manager types. Learn more below about the Core 6 Advisors approach and what others have said about the results you can expect.
This stat from The Center for Sales Strategy may confirm what you already know: companies with a formal coaching/managing process see 91% of overall quota attainment versus 84% who don't. That is easy to believe given the difficulty of the sales management function in this complex, competitive, and lightening-fast B2B arena. After all, formal training always yields positive outcomes.
Sales Management Excellence is the flagship training program from Core 6 that gets results immediately and creates a higher skillset and sense of urgency across all on your sales management team. Other programs on the market will try to impress you by listing "43 things" your SMs will learn, but that's not how individuals best acquire and apply knowledge. Certainly not sales manager types. Learn more below about the Core 6 Advisors approach and what others have said about the results you can expect.
Curriculum The Sales Management Excellence curriculum is germane to SMs of all skill levels and tenure and can also be customizable to meet your specific needs. Why Sales Management Excellence? There are many courses and firms from which to choose to train your SMs, but the value package from Sales Management Excellence is unparalleled. Why now? Sales is a "now" game. There is no tomorrow without today, and today has to be maximized. Your SMs need training NOW. Measurement A comprehensive and proprietary appraisal protocol, SMART (Sales Manager Achievement Report Tracker™) assesses SM strength and development areas and is used to hone training strategies. Read more about how Sales Manager Excellence can drive positive behavioral change for your sales managers and company, or, contact Michael Hess at 917-207-5183 ([email protected]) to get answers to questions you most certainly have.