I was sitting in a cab heading down to the Union Sq. area for a lunch with a colleague when my phone rang. The number was unidentifiable but I was bored, and admittedly my phone hadn't rung in awhile, so I answered it. On the other end was a meek voice - probably a little startled that I picked up - but then she got her mo-jo and started talking.
She explained she met me years ago as a buyer when I was running sales at VideoEgg (SAY Media) - she said she noticed from my LI and web page that I was working with the same clientele she was selling to. "Do you have time to talk now so we can figure out how to help each other, or shall we schedule a call?" I was so incredibly impressed that someone actually phoned me, I muttered back, "yeah...I got a few minutes". (I then remembered that I have it posted on my LinkedIn page that if you want to get in touch with me, just pick up the phone and call 917-207-5183....so for this one time that I picked up, you can be I was thrilled that it was a real business call.) The call progressed in a good way and I was profuse in telling Masa Campara that I applauded her bravery and courage for picking up the phone....NOBODY does that any more. As a skill developer who PUSHES and PRODS those I instruct to pick up the phone and try to reach someone....nobody uses the phone any more. Certainly not for cold calls! I gave her a little of my time, listened closely to her elevator pitch, and considered her appeal. (And intend to have another interaction with her...she has captured my interest!) The punchline to this anecdote is obvious: PUTP! (Pick Up The Phone.) I can't scream it loudly enough. Ya never know when someone will pick it up on the other end and talk with you. Way to go, Masa! Well done.
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MichaelIt's my job to make you feel good....about yourself, about your selling career and about your life! Read on and add when the impulse hits! Categories