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Real time results are available by hitting "view results". Meanwhile, there's a great single-topic issue in the February newsletter focusing on the seasonal nature of reps looking at their high quotas and feeling squirmy enough to leave their company. A unique perspective of looking at the issue through the eyes of both the sales executive and sales manager is explored in full. An excerpt is offered below to help whet the appetite.
Staying or Going?
You’re a high performing rep who just had a really good 2014 but you’re now thinking it may be time to move on. You got your number for 2015 and it really feels like management is socking it to you as a penalty for having a good year. Even though management explained how the new quota numbers were created, it doesn’t feel good because they are so sky-high out of reach. (And, add insult to injury, they changed terms in the commission plan that stacks the deck against you even more.) You’re a little mad right now, but a lot of frozen…you don’t know if you want to stay loyal or take those calls coming in from recruiters.
You’re a high performing sales manager who just had a really good 2014 but you’re secretly gulping for air having just passed along humongous numbers for the new year. You, personally, are on board...locked-n-loaded, tucked-in, etc., but you’re worried about keeping your team intact. As you sat with each on the team to discuss their individual number, they said they understood the reasoning, but you sense they actually don't understand and are not happy. You're worried a few will leave. You come in each day hoping to see the machine humming, but you can tell not everyone’s working on a full gas tank. These are, indeed, touchy times.
For the full story, click here.
You’re a high performing sales manager who just had a really good 2014 but you’re secretly gulping for air having just passed along humongous numbers for the new year. You, personally, are on board...locked-n-loaded, tucked-in, etc., but you’re worried about keeping your team intact. As you sat with each on the team to discuss their individual number, they said they understood the reasoning, but you sense they actually don't understand and are not happy. You're worried a few will leave. You come in each day hoping to see the machine humming, but you can tell not everyone’s working on a full gas tank. These are, indeed, touchy times.
For the full story, click here.
* Selling.2.YES...why the name?
Everyone has their funny names they designate for companies, pets, girlfriends, etc., and certainly "Selling.2.YES" might raise some eyebrows too. The title of the newsletter is derived from one of my favorite mantras: to qualify as a true professional seller, you must have the ability to turn a "no" into a "yes". Only when you as a sales person can show that you can fight through obstacles are you able to proclaim that you are indeed, a sales professional, a designation reserved for those truly worthy. Selling.2.YES is merely a play on that concept representing that the true professional rep is someone who knows all aspects of selling in order to get to the order! Selling.2.YES. Fun, eh? Or maybe not. You're free, of course to decide, or write me. But I'm sticking with it! -MH